- Easy to create, maintain and judge.
- Create as many contests as you need.
- Assign open and closed dates for entries.
- Restrict how many entries each member can submit.
- Specify maximum image sizes for entries.
- Configure contests to be publicly viewable or private so only club members can view them.
- Four different flexible scoring methods:
- Top Picks: Each judge picks a given number of favorites.
- Single Score: Each judge assigns points to each photo. You pick the point range.
- Multiple Categories: You choose from six different judging categories (ie Artistic Quality, Originality, etc), then each judge must score each photo for each of these categories.
- Comments Only: For more informal contests, judges provide comments only with no scores.
- Three different methods of assigning judges:
- All Club Members: Every club full member can be a judge.
- Selected Club Members: You specify individual club members to be judges.
- Guest Judges: Invite non-club members to judge a contest.