Billings Camera Club

Billings, MT
65 Members

Club Admins:

Bob Ruble

Fran Nunn

Patrick McDonald

Robyn Mehmke


The Billings Camera Club is the oldest club of its kind in Yellowstone County. Since 1947 the BCC has supported amateur and professional photographers in their quest to create art through the capture of light.

Our goal is to build skills through education, workshops, field trips, and competitions, to create incentives to shoot subjects new to you, and to foster new friendships.

We meet monthly at 6pm on the first Tuesday of the month, from September to June, in the Billings Public Library Community Room. During the pandemic, we switched to virtual meetings using the Zoom platform. We are currently meeting in person again, but have continued to stream meetings for members unable to attend in person.  

INTERESTED?   Great!  Come to our next meeting and check it out. You can sign up for free as a guest for limited access to this website. (Click 'Join' at the top right of this screen.) Everyone is welcome--introduce yourself! Our meetings might include informative discussions by guest lecturers or fellow club members on subjects ranging from equipment, framing, lighting, and composition, to mastering post-processing software such as Photoshop and Lightroom, digital printing and more. Or see the results of in-club and national competitions, or enjoy evenings of show and tell.  

Competitions  Our club competes with other clubs around the nation and the world in the Photographic Society of America's interclub competitions 3 times per year. Challenge yourself by submitting images to be chosen as part of our club entry. We also have intra-club competitions 4 times a year with topics picked to motivate you to broaden your range of photographic subjects. Our topics this year are

  • Storms
  • Trails
  • Roads
  • Solitude

DUES  this year are $15 per person (dues are good for one calendar year)

Click HERE  to pay online


Club Activity

Sorry, club activity available to club members only.


Billings Camera Club MONTHLY MEETING - Tuesday, Oct 1, 2024

Oct 01, 2024 5:30 pm


'STORMS' — club competition

'STORMS' — comments only


My Favorite Photos of Summer 2024.

Themed Gallery — RED

August 2024

Club Gallery: August 2024


Lew Kosich

Kathleen Linger

End of Summer

Kathleen Linger

Somewhere Out There

Kathleen Linger

Purple Power

Kathleen Linger

August bloom

Fran Nunn

Late summer sneezeweed

Fran Nunn

Go time- or not

Fran Nunn


Fran Nunn

Field days

Fran Nunn


Gloria Allwin

A look into the past

Gloria Allwin

Lee Ann Wood

Lee Ann Wood

Lee Ann Wood

Sand Crane

Dale Jennison

God's Promise

Gloria Allwin

Stillwater Eagle

Todd Miller

Who are you?

Todd Miller

Cedar Waxwing

Jerry Jacobs

Boulder River Sow with Cub

Todd Miller

Boulder River Sow

Todd Miller

Club Gallery: Themed Gallery — RED


Tim Harrington

Old School

Tim Harrington

Cardinal in the Snow

Steve Hubbard


Steve Hubbard

Call Box

Ross Magnuson


Ross Magnuson

Red Wheel

Todd Miller

Decorative red wheel

Todd Miller

Just a Red Tomato

Jerry Jacobs

Red Abides

Fran Nunn

Archway II

Jaye Butler

Hidden gem

Fran Nunn

Ready to Run

Sheila Ruble


Bob Ruble

Red Door: V2-Garage

Larry Bean

The Red Door

Sheila Ruble

Picking Berries

Patrick McDonald


Patrick McDonald

Monument Valley

Diane Erhart

Lighting of the Teepees

Gloria Allwin

red eye

Greg Sullivan

Red hot!

Carolyn jones

red sky at morn

Carolyn jones

Smoky Sunrise

Bob Ruble

Contest topics for 2024-2025

Competitions for



  • Due Oct 1- Storms
  • Due Nov 1- PSA Round 1
  • Due Dec 1- Trails
  • Due Jan 1- PSA Round 2
  • Due Feb 1- Roads
  • Due Mar 1- PSA Round 3
  • Due April 1- Solitude


Intra-Club competitions:

Each of the intra-club competitions will be judged in two categories: Contest images and Critique Only. Your choice. 

 A member can enter 1 or 2 images in each contestIn addition, you can enter 1 or 2 images in Critique Only by itself or in addition to the images to be judged. Images in Critique Only should fit the same topic.


PSA PID Competitions:

The Photographic Society of America Projected Image Division inter-club competition, Open. Any subject, any processing or editing. 

There are two divisions: Color and Monochrome. You may enter the same photo in both divisions (i.e., one in color and a duplicate edited to monochrome), but they need to have the same title/file name.

In order to compete, you must have a permission form on file with the PSA. See message from Fran Nunn, Secretary.

This is a competition between PSA member clubs from around the US and the world. We will vote to choose 6 images to send as our club's entry. PSA will give each image a numerical score, and each club's total score is tabulated over the year to assign its relative place within its group. 

Member clubs are divided into 6 groups, A through F, according to their cumulative score over the year. Currently we are in Group B, next to highest. BCC stands 11th in Color and 5th in Monochrome. Our images did very well and advanced the Club's standing.

BCC meeting minutes May 2024

Billings Camera Club Meeting Minutes- May 7, 2024

Meeting was called to order at 6:08 pm by Bob Ruble.  The meeting was attended by 15 members in person at the Billings Public Library and 4 members online via Zoom. 


  • Call for officer nominations for next year- there were no volunteers.
  • This will the last meeting for the year- the Club will meet again in September.
  • There were suggestions made for group outings to consider-
  • Sunday May 19 at Nana's Bloomers
  •  Birds at Big Lake near Molt- late May/early June for migrating waterfowl.
  • Riverfront Park or Shiloh Conservation Area.
  • Porcupine Falls in Big Horn Mountains- moose before July 1, wildflowers
  • Wild horses and wildflowers in Pryor Mountains.


  • Beyond the Rule Thirds competition results and images were reviewed by the judge, Greg Holden from Colorado. He discussed what worked and what didn't for each image. The top images were photographed by Bob Ruble (Indian Sunset); Sheila Ruble (Seen it All); Ross Magnuson (Low Tide). Honorable mentions were given to Diane Browder, Fran Nunn and Bob Ruble.

  • The meeting was adjourned at 7:15 pm. The next meeting is scheduled for September 3, 2024,  at the Billings Public Library.

Submitted by Fran Nunn Sec/Treas

BCC meeting minutes Septemb 2024

Billings Camera Club Meeting Minutes- September 3, 2024

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by Diane Erhart, president.  The meeting was attended by 18 members in person at the Billings Public Library and 4 members online via Zoom. 


Members introduced themselves to the group as a welcome back and welcome to new members.

Dues were discussed-payable on line or in person. The money has been used to pay for PSA dues (Photographic Society of America) for the Club, payments to judges and the purchase of the microphone used at meetings for Zoom participants.

Ideas for this year were discussed. Members are very supportive of contests because they like the themes (something to focus on for shooting) and the comments received.  These will be continued.  Additionally, there will be a monthly theme to be voted on at each meeting. This will be in addition to the monthly galleries.  The Monthly Theme/Challenge for October is RED.  Members are encouraged to submit 2 images and to comment on each others images.  There is no external judge or placements for these theme challenges. Images can be from your archives or new.

Discussion of presentation topics - suggestions were Post Processing, Flash Photography, presentation of images including matting and framing.  A group edit on one image was also discussed- each member could edit an assigned image and submit back to a gallery.

There was also discussion of having a presentation by a professional photographer on Winter Photography- how to handle the unique challenges of light, exposure, how to protect equipment etc. This could be followed by a winter outing for members. More info to come.

Remember to submit your STORM images by October 1- to be judged as part of the contest or for comments only.


Images from the My Favorite Photos of Summer 2024 were presented and discussed by each photographer.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:20 pm. The next meeting is scheduled for October 1, 2024, at the Billings Public Library.  The November meeting will need to be rescheduled to a different date as the first Tuesday is Election Day and the Library will be closed. We will let you know about change in date or venue.

  • Submitted by Fran Nunn Sec/Treas